Tuesday, October 13, 2009


The Sound of Mason

Mason enjoys making noises, but not as much as we enjoy hearing them. Here's a little clip of MasonSpeak.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


It's been a while

So there have been some complaints wondering how come there hasn't been a blog post. I wish I had some elaborate reason, like Mason was climbing Everest or conquering the Incans, but I don't. I guess both of those would deserve a blog post, but why are we questioning my fake excuses. Mason is pretty much continuing to rock it, baby-style. He's starting to smile and coo, though not consistently. Getting him to smile involves me making some pretty odd faces and weird noises, all of which are rather humiliating to me but it gets a laugh. Here are some of current favorite photos of Mr. MB.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


Mason Can Dance

So Mason's friend, Daniel, has his own dancing video out on the Internet. Daniel is dancing to the recently deceased, Michael Jackson. In dedication to the late Mr. Jackson and in the line of what could be an eventual "dance-off" between Daniel and Mason, Mason has produced his own dance video. This an homage to the original complete with horrible cheap 80's effects and way too many transitions. When watching, remember he's barely 4 weeks old at the filming of this video, so the dancing still needs some work.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009



Sometimes Mason gets stinky, so he needs to be cleaned. Everyone likes a good ol' fashioned dunk in the sink, and since Julie got mad the last time I tried to wash myself in the kitchen sink, only Mason is allowed in there now. This is the first time we have bathed him without him crying. Thanks to AJ (Aunt Jen) for filming.

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Baby Hiccups

Another amusing thing like the sneeze is the hiccup. This was tough to watch at first because they move his entire body, but the doctor told us it doesn't bother him. Now it's entertaining to see his whole body jump with each hiccup. He also appears to be fighting off the camera.

Friday, July 24, 2009



Mason is fortunate to have a great-grandfather on Julie's side and a great-grandmother on my side. We couldn't pass up the opportunity to take a couple of multi-generational photos. See below for Julie's mom and grandfather in one photo and my dad and my grandmother in another. We love these photos.


Mr. Popular

I guess I'm not keeping my supply up with the current demand levels. Apparently, the public is wanting more Mason, and they're not seeing it. I could claim that I'm just trying to keep demand high, but I'm guilty of just being short on material. He's being pretty baby. He is a night owl like his father, which is not good at this stage. We're trying to get him more in the groove of sleeping at nights, but we have to remind ourselves, he's not yet 3 weeks old. Perhaps our standards are too high. Oh well, we're in the learning stage also. Now, I shall give the people what they want. . . more pictures.