Sunday, July 5, 2009

He's Here!!

MASON BYRON LANIER arrived today at 6:21 PM weighing in at 8 lbs, 4oz. He's 19.25 inches long and happens to be a really cool guy. Mom and baby are doing well, although both are very hungry.

5 Responses to “He's Here!!”

Congratulations Jake and Julie. We're excited to meet Mason.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jake and Way to Go Julie!! He's a keeper! Welcome to the family Mason. We can't wait to meet you!

:)The Bauer family

Lauren said...


Steve Ciotti said...

Wow - Perfect! 8 1/4 lbs, 19.25", and Mason looks great! Hope Julie is doing as well, and is getting her needed rest. Congrats to YOU - "Mom and Dad" ! Hey - can you get a sitter for Saturday night, let's go celebrate! Ha, ha... enjoy every moment. Before ya know it... they're in Kindergarten... and then they're batting 3 for 3 and knocking in the go-ahead run! Ah the Dreams! Dream up a storm! God's blessing on you!!!!!!!!!

Clerihue Family said...

Kip and Bodie are so excited that their new buddy Mason finally arrived!

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